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Urban Design Global TOP 5
Winner:El Equipo Mazzanti
WINNERS:Meson de los Búcaros interchange
The intersection is located in the sector known as "El Mesón de los Búcaros", a traditional meeting point in the city, where Carrera 27, Avenida Quebradaseca and Bulevar Bolívar converge, which require an intervention that solution to vehicular conflicts that arise there. Located next to the city center, it is a transit point between the East, the Atlantic Coast and the Center of the country, making it an urban gateway, and a place with symbolic potential for the city. From this point, direct relations are established with representative public spaces such as the Children's Park and facilities such as the Escuela Normal Superior, the Gabriel Turbay Public Library and the Los Comuneros Clinic, which require an intervention that allows the population access to they. On a city scale, this space, seen today as a complex road intersection, is related to urban spaces and facilities on all sides. To the north is the Industrial University of Santander and the Alfonso López stadium, to the east is the access from the city of Cúcuta, public spaces such as the Water Park and institutions such as the Cooperative University of Colombia, the Santander University Hospital and the Faculty of Health of the Industrial University of Santander. Also in this sector is the Megamall Shopping Center, which generates a large population movement in search of entertainment for this sector. To the south, Cra. 27 allows connection with public spaces such as the Public Improvement Park, commercial areas and the highway that connects with the Metropolitan Area. Soon the Metroplús Mass Transportation Service will circulate on this road by means of Standard buses, which must be integrated into the proposal. Finally towards the West is the Center of the city connected through Quebradaseca Avenue. Around this space there are several intersections resolved in a similar way and with different degrees of appropriation. At the end of Cra. 27 is the roundabout that precedes the access to the Universidad Industrial de Santander, further east at the intersection of Calle 14 with Cra. 30 is the roundabout at the entrance to the Alfonso López stadium. Towards the Northwest on Bolívar Boulevard is the Parque de San Francisco on a roundabout where Bolívar Boulevard, Santander Boulevard, Calle 17 and Cra. 21 intersect; and finally, further to the west, the intersection of Avenida Quebrada Seca with Cra. 10. At this time, this sector does not have a configured urban space, it has functional vehicular problems, but it also has conflicts in the pedestrian mobilization of the population, which only uses this site as a passageway, since there is no space configured for pedestrian permanence. . Likewise, despite being surrounded by important urban-scale facilities, it does not establish relationships between these and pedestrian flows, nor does it configure access spaces or squares that allow the generation of activities. Its potential lies in its capacity for urban relations given its strategic position in the city, being a midpoint between important facilities and the traditional center, this being a topic of great contribution in terms of urban value to the city. However, this space requires an intervention that, while solving the current and future functional problems of this intersection, allows it to configure a new urban space in the city. A place of permanence and leisure that integrates the different facilities that surround it and allows the public space to be opened towards new activities in this sector. Its main relationship will be with the cultural and educational facilities that surround it, as well as continuity as a transition space between the Children's Park and Bolívar Boulevard, San Francisco Park, Water Park and the other nearby facilities that will be potential. users. project proposal This proposal allows the solution at the level of most vehicular flows and proposes three underpasses on two levels, the first level connects Carrera 27 and Bolívar Boulevard, the next level -the deepest- connects Av. Quebrada Seca; These roads, in turn, unload about 1,000 vehicles per hour at the roundabout. This solution allows to continue with the proposal of the central public space that will serve as a connecting space and of permanence between the sectors of the city. For the management of pedestrian flows, this proposal takes as main circulation axes the connection between Carrera 27 and its pedestrian continuity and Bolívar Boulevard that goes towards San Francisco Park. These connections are generated from pedestrian underpasses that cross the square and in turn generate a constant pedestrian flow in it. Equally essential is the integration of the Normal Superior with the generation of an access space and direct communication with the square which, in turn, solves the pedestrian access to the school and builds a new public space at an intermediate level for pedestrians. The pedestrian crossings from Quebradaseca to the Boulevard and from the Boulevard to the center are made through a ring of pedestrian circulation around the roundabout duly signposted and demarcated with the necessary security levels. This in order not to generate more pedestrian overpasses on this public space. General conceptualization and definition of design criteria and parameters for the glorieta park Given its importance, this space requires not only a road solution, but also the construction of a public space that responds to its urban scale. Based on the configuration of an oval roundabout, a solution that allows the circulation on the surface of vehicular flows from the north of the city, as well as cargo traffic from the west. Vehicles coming from the South along Carrera 27 are connected through 3 underpasses:. To the North giving continuity to Carrera 27 with a length of 142 m.. Towards the Northwest with Bolívar Boulevard with a length of 71 m.. This solution is complemented by the underpass of Avenida Quebradaseca in the East-West direction, which, with a length of 260 m, is projected from now on for future vehicular loads in the area. This intervention, which does not require an overpass, allows the creation of a central public space and the generation and improvement of the surrounding public space with new squares, platforms and pedestrian crossings that collect the most important flows and facilitate their continuity through this new public space. . The total intervention reaches 50,800 m2 distributed as follows: . 6500 m2 of platforms and green areas intervened.. 3700 m2 of new squares. 6,398 m2 of Public Space in the roundabout. A slope with an area of 598 m2 serves as support and insulation for a large, slightly elevated deck confined by 200 m of a perimeter bench that, like a latticework, contains the space and dissipates the noise of the surrounding vehicles. On this deck designed as a recreational space for congregation, several elements are placed that allow, among others, to form enclosures, create changing atmospheres, and generate various activities. Its surface, which reaches 5,800 m2, folds in order to generate reliefs and small spaces for play and recreation. The allusion to the Mesón de los Búcaros is made through this new public space on which 42 búcaros, a traditional tree of the city, are planted and which allows the creation of a green roof and a shaded space that covers a large part of this deck. A strip made up of modules made up of stainless steel poles with heights of 4 m runs the length and breadth of the space, generating a changing atmosphere from water sprayers installed in some of them, creating climatic effects that go from warm to microclimate. caused by the effect of fog and shade from trees; Inside it houses 120 m2 children's play areas, and it becomes an element of play and a playful symbol of this new space. A depressed stage inserted in the deck, with a capacity for 350 people seated, arranged as a synthetic colorful surface, creating a space suitable for recreation and the celebration of cultural and leisure events. The activities of this place are complemented with a commercial and services area that enhance the permanence and appropriation of this space, made up of 7 premises each with 20 m2 and an extension area for tables, and 2 support sanitary batteries.