Twelfth session Idea-Tops AwardEntertainment Space DesignWINNERS

Award-Winning Works of Idea-Tops

Global Best Design Entertainment Space Design


WINNERS:I'm fine

这是一家Brunch&bar This is Brunch&bar I'm fine Bar所传递给客人们的是:我很好,你好吗? 来到这里的顾客,不论工作和生活的繁忙与疲惫,来到这里,吃些简餐,和三五好友一起美美的小酌一杯,忘却疲惫,身心愉悦。I'm fine Bar希望顾客在这里能够得到舒适的体验,认识一些热情有爱的人们。 What I'm Fine Bar conveys to guests is that I'm fine, how are you? Customers come here to eat some simple meals regardless of busy work and life. Several friends gather together to drink wine to enjoy physical and mental pleasure. I'm Fine Bar hopes that customers can enjoy themselves and meet some loving people here. 品牌文化 在品牌和空间逻辑的磨合中,我们要做的是如何让空间和品牌呈现一拍即合。仙人掌成为了这个品牌特有的符号,它彰显着顽强的生命力,以及年轻,热情的品牌精神。 Brand Culture In the running-in period between brand and space logic, what we need to do is how to make space and brand in tune with each other. As the brand's unique symbol, cactus expresses the tenacious vitality, and the enthusiastic spirit of the brand. 体验 这是个不算大的空间,我们试图传达给顾客年轻,时尚,热情的体验感。我们希望它和以往的精致的酒吧不同, 我们警惕这种千篇一律的高级感,转而让空间呈现的更加自然,质朴。犹如在沙漠之城穿梭,转眼看到了稀疏的仙人掌丛和沙漠中的湖泊,如此的惊喜,如此的与众不同。 Experience We try to convey a fashionable and enthusiastic experience to our customers in this small space. We hope that it could be different from the fancy bars of the past. In this connection, we are alert to this kind of stereotypical high-level sense, and instead make the space more natural and plain. It was like we travel through a desert city, and suddenly see sparse cactus bushes and a lake in the desert, which is surprising and out of the ordinary. 功能 空间上为了承载顾客之间不同的互动关系,我们大致分为了四个区域:大厅卡座区、圆形卡座区、吧台区和VIP区。 在圆形卡座的背后我们设置了后厨和卫生间的区域,由于空间有限,我们为这个空间搭建了第二层作为vip包间。 Function In order to make sure different interaction between customers, we are roughly divided it into four areas: hall booth area, round booth area, bar area and VIP area. Behind the circular booth, we set up the kitchen and toilet area. Due to the limited space, we set up the second floor as the VIP private room. 环形的楼梯围绕着圆形卡座,我们在这个区域中间设置了壁炉,适合一群朋友围着壁炉而坐,带来一种围炉夜话的体验。大厅卡座区更多实现了人与人之间的交互,适合三到五人坐下小憩。活动的桌椅也能够实现偶尔包场时的更多可能性。吧台区适合一至两人的互动,也可以近距离了解调酒师的酒是怎样调制而成的。Vip区承载了顾客的隐私,也适合私人聚会。 A circular staircase surrounds the circular booth, and we have a fireplace in the middle of this area, which is suitable for friends to sit around the fireplace, bringing a great experience of night conversation around the fireplace. The lobby booth area is more convenient for people to take a nap and communicate each other. Movable tables and chairs are available for holding activities. The bar area is ideal for one or two person to interact with and get a close look at how the bartender's wine is made. The VIP area can protect the privacy of customers on the one hand, and is suitable for private parties. 沙漠感 整体色彩我们使用了砖红色的艺术涂料肌理,以及黏土红砖带来的原始质感,赋予了空间自然而炙热的沙漠感。 搭配不锈钢的金属感和玻璃砖的清凉,给整个空间场景带来一种沙漠中现清泉的质感。 Sense of Desert Overall, we use the brick-red artistic paint texture, as well as the original texture of clay red bricks, giving the whole space a natural and hot desert feeling. The metallic feeling of stainless steel and the coolness of glass brick bring the texture of a spring in the desert to the whole space scene. 材料五行 从材料视觉上,我们尝试从中国文化阴阳五行的视角,来实现了材料的再分配。艺术涂料和红砖的土性,不锈钢的金性,玻璃砖的水性,灯光和壁炉的火性,以及绿植和木地板的木性,形成了木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水的五行循环。 Material & The Five Elements In terms of material vision, we try to realize material redistribution from the perspective of Yin and Yang and five elements of Chinese culture. The earth property of artistic paint and red brick, the gold nature of stainless steel, the water nature of glass brick, the fire nature of lamp lights and fireplaces, as well as the wood nature of green plants and wood floors, formed the circulation of five elements. 过去与未来 从另一层面上,我们尝试用空间的语汇完成一场过去和未来的对话。随着材质呈现不断变化,空间的形态与功能的结合,从质朴的砖色和旧木地板以及那些红色的火山石,到环形和线性的灯光,不锈钢酒柜倒映的圆,太空舱门等等,让每一个来到这个空间的人们,从过去的自然野性,到达了未来星际。无论是在留恋过去还是憧憬未来,让心从这里出发,去探索,去感悟。这也是我们希望这个空间传达给人们的启发。 Past and Future On another level, we try to achieve a dialogue between the past and the future with a spatial vocabulary. Thanks to the constant changes of material, the combination of form and function of the space, the plain brick color and old wooden floor, as well as the red volcano, the circular and linear lighting, space doors, etc., each and every one could have a wonderful experience just like travelling from the past to the future. Whether you linger on the past or look forward to the future, please appreciate it and discover it from your heart and soul. That's what we want to inspire you. 可持续性 我们尝试用了更多的自然且高性价比的材料,来装点空间。例如,我们把最普通的黏土红砖装饰在了墙面,以及我们用了很多回收的旧木地板装饰在了地面。在空间设计中我们尽可能的实现低碳和可持续的落地作品,用最简单的材料和较少的预算,在保证顾客体验感的同时实现了品牌与空间的价值。 Sustainability We tried to decorate the space with more natural and cost-effective materials. For example, we decorated the wall with the most common clay red brick, and we used a lot of recycled old wood floors to decorate the ground. In the space design, we try our best to achieve low-carbon and sustainable works. With the simplest materials and a small budget, we ensure customers have a good experience and realize the value of the brand and space.

Entertainment Space Design Global TOP 5



TIME PARTKTV项目位于佛山市禅城区领鲜荟广场五F,在这个具有浓厚历史气息的城市,孕育了一座神秘的娱乐空间。时间像是穿梭现在与未来的践行者,它将见证一个新兴事物的崛起与辉煌。众里寻他千百度,最好的时代,众网红主播在佛山,终于遇见了一座跨时代的娱乐巨作,他就是TIME PARTY!y以"超时代"为品牌创始理念,精准定位模式创新,为全国派对玩家打造最具时代性的娱乐项目。 TIME KTV"是TIME的设计重点,自带社交属性与圈层文化的气质,打造专属私人空间。艺术派对中心"TIME CLUB",则以派对主理人为概念,打造专属私人电音空间。现代人生活碎片化的不只是时间及消费,还有对娱乐的需求。TIME打破时间的束缚,将所有娱乐方式集于一身,不断缔造玩味和创意元素,这对于佛山来说是一种革新与首创。现在,TIME成为各大玩家的娱乐图腾,夜生活从TIME起航!

Entertainment Space Design Global TOP 5




Entertainment Space Design Global TOP 5



一个有生命的室内设计; 应该包含着对社会的理解,对建筑的理解,对文化的思考, 对人在空间活动过程中产生细微情感的细心呵护,以及对艺术精神的再现, 营销方式的置入和对材料生命的认知等等。 ——姜振东设计机构   中国人的审美,是千年笔墨沁润下写入骨髓的远山黛墨,沉静、寂然、空灵…… 虽然现代建筑及室内装饰建造于现代科技之上, 但我们却更倾向于以更悠远的东方式的美学逻辑与哲思诠释空间的肌理形貌, 于都市喧嚣中,建溪涧幽谷, 探寻深入,以水之净,涤荡澄净, 漫游其间,以三日,获寂然之静…… 所谓“曲径通幽”,中式的游园其实充满了仪式感,却要显得不经意地自然而然。 在本项目中,建筑的入口犹如被天然分割的秘境走廊, 以混凝土、红砖、水波纹镜面等材质元素构建,幽微狭长, 而在狭长走廊的尽头,狭窄局限的空间突然被打破,呈现豁然开朗的溪涧秘境。 步入室内,车水马龙的喧嚣被瞬间屏蔽在外, 空间中的材质更倾向于原始粗粝的自然材料, 透过幽微光影,营造出山川、溪涧、洞谷之间,虚虚实实,联会贯通 水的氤氲静谧于质、色、形充溢空间, 伸手可及之处,皆净润怡然。 第一日,入得水之秘境,静谧安然,心已平和。 水是无色无固定形状的存在,如众缘皆聚,其性却空。 它可以是一阵雨,一股浪,一波涟漪,一池清欢…… 我们用有形的玻璃、金属、镜面……去表现水的质地, 透过光的折射、反射表达水的涌动与声响。 溪涧幽谷,并非悄无声息, 生命万物以自身的律动波频悄然生长。 光阴婆娑于繁茂枝叶间, 热带炽烈的太阳此刻温柔恬淡, 窗幕型材制造出的繁花在桌椅、地面点点盛开, 与原木、藤竹交织成一片生机。 第二日,以水为根,空灵是万物生长的白噪音。 听雨,寻风,茗诗,酒曲…… 千古文人雅士颂霁月清风,却从未远离人间红尘。 正如我们的项目,虽以“净-静”为精神内核,却并不脱离真实生活。 一壶好茶,三五好友,坐而论道,对墨挥毫。 也可杯盏交错,共享欢愉。 直射的日光被洗涤成皎白, 城市的节奏被无形放慢。 略显粗糙的器物质地肌理,均是光影的配角。 让无形的光有了具象的表情语言。 所谓水漫氤氲,朦胧寂然,东方的写意留白,寂静安然, 它既是景色,也是心情,更是哲思。 在第三日,在溪涧漫游,赴得人间千绪,却寂然安宁。 项目名称:天映龙池 室內设计:嘉柏设计 主  持 人:姜振东  贾凡 设计团队:胡伟  陈阳    技术团队:刘颖  张红  朴晓博  项目景观:贾凡 软装设计:嘉柏团队 / 主持人 刘晓莹 项目摄影:斑马视觉 文案编辑:张子乾 设计时间:05/2021-10/2021 建造时间:07/2021-05/2022 项目地址:三亚市-三亚湾金鸡岭街486号

Entertainment Space Design Global TOP 5


WINNERS:Black Rock威士忌酒吧

上海街头惊现伦敦最佳威士忌酒吧Black Rock Black Rock就是威士忌爱好者的天堂。这个起源于伦敦的品牌,致力于呈现最前沿的风味,让人们以全新方式认识威士忌。它在2016年首次推出一个全新的概念,既将威士忌风味简化为甜美、香料、水果、芬芳、平衡和烟熏这几个类别。 hcreates与Black Rock上海团队合作,改造了上海热门街区富民路一个不起眼的拐角。简单的黑色立面和滤光条作为入口,人们很难不被这种新颖的方式吸引,想要一探究竟。入门后整个空间充满了对比元素:明亮与黑暗、平滑与粗糙,完美平衡了经典和现代的元素结合,创造出一种独特的空间体验,。 酒吧的亮点是一个巨大原木树桩长桌。从巴布亚新几内亚进口的苏门答腊八果木足有两吨重,中间巧妙地设计了了两条横贯长桌的威士忌陈酿管道。玻璃覆盖的管道左侧连接美国橡木桶,右侧连接法国利穆赞橡木桶,分别装有21升威士忌,可以从树桩长桌末端的龙头直接供应。坐在长长的原木桌子周围,客人可以选择点一份品鉴套餐,享用长桌里的陈酿,或是在一旁的开放式酒吧点杯威士忌嗨棒和鸡尾酒,全部酒品都由六种风味特征组成。 Black Rock的整体是黑暗和神秘的。柔和的琥珀色光芒和各种颜色的威士忌交相辉映。黄铜装饰的细节、皮革饰面和定制灯具提升了空间的格调,同时又营造了轻松舒适的氛围。地板、墙壁和天花板采用有纹理的深色色调,更显低调。整个设计过程参考威士忌陈酿过程中使用的橡木桶,并将其巧妙运用到各处细节之中。橡木色温暖而耀眼,使展示柜中的威士忌如奖杯般熠熠生辉。两个私密区域配置了条纹大理石桌、舒适柔软的沙发和皮质长椅。临街露台和贵宾区组成了空间的其他部分。   项目信息 项目名称:Black Rock Bar 室内设计:hcreates罕创(上海)建筑设计有限公司 网站: 联系方式 主创设计师:Hannah Churchill  设计团队:Alex Davis, Yicheng Zeng 项目地址:中国上海市静安区富民路41号  完成时间:2022年  面积:70平方米 摄影:Brian Chua, Graeme Kennedy 客户: Black Rock 制造商: Kian, Vintage Timber Craft   关于事务所 hcreates是一家于2010年成立于上海的室内设计咨询工作室。设计项目主要位于中国大陆,并逐渐扩展到亚洲其他国家和地区。事务所与理念相近的客户合作,通过提供激发视觉及感官的室内设计方案,增加环境的潜力。hcreates以设计现代时尚的餐厅和酒吧闻名于上海设计业,并持续扩展在办公室、健康和保健行业的业务。其设计哲学来自于新西兰人的创造力、革新和实用精神的结合。设计就该是简单、有趣和聪明的。事务所很荣幸被列入安邸中国AD100榜单,近年来其设计作品被Interior Design、Residence等多家国内外杂志发表。   Black Rock Opens a Whisky Paradise in Shanghai | hcreates  Black Rock is a Whisky lover's nirvana. Originating from London, Black Rock is all about bringing flavor to the forefront and helping people discover Whisky in a new way. First launched in 2016, the concept simplified the flavor profiles into sweet, spice, fruit, fragrance, balance and smoke. hcreates worked with the Shanghai team to convert an unassuming corner site on the popular Fumin Road in downtown Shanghai. A simple black façade with strips of filtered light marking the doorway, Black Rock subtly welcomes you in. A project of contrasts: light and dark, smooth and rough. The space balances the classic with the current to create a uniquely accessible experience. The centerpiece of the space is their huge, tree trunk table, with two Whisky aging channels dug into the two-ton imported Erima log, from Papua New Guinea. The glass-covered channels are lined with American Oak on the left and French Limousin Oak on the right, each holding 21L of whiskey, which is served straight from the pouring taps at the end of the trunk. Seated around the long truck table, you can partake in a Whisky tasting, drink from the log, or order Whisky highballs and cocktails from the open bar at the opposite end of the trunk, all created from the six basic flavour profiles. The space is moody and dark, with a soft, amber glow playing on the liquid’s colour. Brass detailing, leather finishes and custom lighting create an elevated look while still maintaining a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. The floor, walls, and ceilings are pared back using a dark, texture-filled palette. Hints of oak are used subtly throughout, referencing the barrels used in the Whisky aging process. The warm contrasting glow created by the oak coloring, enables the Whisky to shine in the trophy-like display cabinets. Two intimate lounge spaces with striped marble tables, plush sofas and leather seating, a street facing terrace and a raised VIP section make up the rest of the space.     PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Black Rock Design Firm: hcreates interior design  Website: Contact Email: Lead Designer: Hannah Churchill Design team: Alex Davis, Yicheng Zeng Project Location: 41 Fumin Road, Jingan District, Shanghai, China Completion Year: 2022 Gross Built Area: 70sqm  Photo Credits: Brian Chua, Graeme Kennedy Client: Black Rock Manufactures:  Kian, Vintage Timber Craft   COMPANY PROFILE hcreates is an interior design and consulting studio based in Shanghai, designing projects across China and increasingly across Asia since 2010. The practice works with like-minded clients to achieve spaces that are designed to enhance one's environment and leave people feeling stimulated and inspired. Well-known in Shanghai for creating contemporary restaurants and bars, hcreates continues to develop a significant portfolio of office and health and wellness spaces too. Its design philosophy comes from an ingrained sense of kiwi ingenuity, innovation and practicality. Design should be simple, fun and clever. The firm is honored to have been included in the AD100 by Architectural Digest China and featured in local and international magazines such as Interior Design, Residence and many more.

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