Twelfth session Idea-Tops Award文化空间设计全球五强

止间书店| 麓山南

Submission time:2022-05-31
Project category:文化空间设计
Award winning designers: 水木言空间设计(上海)有限公司
麓山南路旁的止间,在市井熏染与麓山文脉浸润间孕育而生。如何找到自然生长的原力实现生存,甚至改变书店行业的处境,则成为设计思考的使命。 The Zhijian bookstore is located beside Lushan South Road, conceived between the infiltration of the market and the cultural heritage of Lushan. How to find the natural growth force to achieve survival, and even change the situation of the bookstore industry, has become the mission of design thinking.   麓山南路之于长沙人民,是岳麓山下河西人文的延续,繁华与喧嚣簇拥着一代代学子从这里走过,他们的青春,与市井老街的故事,见证了山脚下这片老城区的四季更迭。岳麓山下,麓山南路旁,这就是止间麓山南的独立基因。 For the people of Changsha, Lushan South Road is the continuation of the Hexi culture at the foot of Yuelu Mountain. The prosperity and hustle and bustle have witnessed the youth of generations of students, and their stories with the old streets of the city. It has witnessed the four seasons of this old city at the foot of the mountain. Located beside the Lushan South Road under Yuelu Mountain, this is the independent gene of Zhijian. 白色的纸张是无限潜能的空;黑色的文字是无限可能的实。书店落位在一个带院子的建筑里,面朝前街的喧嚣熙攘,后院则拥揽社区的宁静;室内有着建筑窗洞可诉求攀登,建筑侧面则有着护坡的粗犷与隐退。看似矛盾的场景元素,却给予空间各种对话的可能。 White paper is the void of unlimited potential; black text is the reality of unlimited possibilities. The bookstore is located in a building with a courtyard, facing the hustle and bustle of the front street, while the backyard embraces the tranquility of the community. Inside, there are architectural windows to which you can talk, and the side of the building has the roughness and seclusion of slope protection. The scene seems to be contradictory but gives the space the possibility of various dialogues.    


Twelfth session Idea-Tops Award文化空间设计WINNERS



【文化空间设计Nomination Award】Dorr


【文化空间设计Nomination Award】深圳市罗湖未来学校


【文化空间设计Nomination Award】止间书店| 麓山南


【文化空间设计Nomination Award】上海清漾美术馆


Award winning designers:水木言空间设计(上海)有限公司


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