Antonino Saggio
Publishing date:2022-01-11 Views:2243

Antonino Saggio is an architect, scholar and professor and holds the Architecture and Information Technology Chair at the School of Architecture at “Sapienza”, University of Rome. From 2011 to 2018, he has been the coordinator of the PhD program in Architecture - Theory and Design which is one of the oldest and more relevant in Italy. The PhD program is offered by the Department of Architettura and Progetto of which Saggio belongs since 1986. He is the founder and editor of the international book series "The Information Technology Revolution in Architecture".  The 39 books being published so far represent a theoretical and cultural survey of the digital realm of architecture. Saggio is author of many books and articles in different languages. In this field he published in Italian and In English "Thoughts on a Paradigm Shitf: The IT Revolution in Architecture" (2007, 2008, 2020). Saggio delivered invited Lectures and Key notes speeches on topic related to Information Technology, History and Criticism of Italian Architecture and Urban and Architectural Theory and Applications in many institutions around the world among which Architectural Association in London, ETH in Zürich, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Carnegie-Mellon in Pittsburgh, Iuav and Biennale in Venice, InArch Rome, Eaae in Barcellona, Ministry of research in Athens, School of Architecture in Oslo, Acadia in New York, Hyperbodies in Delf, StadtSchule and Dam in Frankfurt, Rocad Bucharest; New York Institute of Technology and in many other academic or professionals institutions.

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